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Ruheberg Schwarzwald/Oberried
Letzte Ruhe inmitten der Schwarzwaldberge
Buch der Erinnerung

In Erinnerung an Keith-David Bunyan ...

Most loved man on earth

Name: Bunyan, Keith-David
Geburtsort: Otley
Geboren am: 16.09.1949
Gestorben am: 02.12.2016
Gestorben in: Kirchzarten-Burg

„Come to the edge“ he said.
“We can´t, we´re too afraid”, they replied.
The old eagle looked at them in surprise.
Instinctively his eyes skillfully scanned the vast wilderness visible from their mountain top home. After a while he said, “I see nothing out there to fear.
I see only the Great Unknown, the place where all your unfulfilled dreams and aspirations wait patiently for you, eager to guide you safely on your journey through life to your chosen destiny, “come to the edge”.
They came to the edge……they flew.